

A beautiful day sunshine streaming into studio , classic FM playing on radio the music wonderful. I really have to begin work instead of faffing around


Just looked at last date I blogged can’t believe it so long were does the time go ???? Are well here I am again trying to sort out studio before I begin a new commission

A constant tussle with paint and time 

Good night 

Going to bed a good day working on paintings it’s count down now to my exhibition at pie factory margate struts Thursday 


A good day painting so much to do before are exhibition starts next Thursday 

Finish  for the night 

Time for bed after a full day painting the dead line fast approaching 

Can’t sleep

20160407_215022Just hate not being able sleep ,but to tired to paint

Spent a couple of hours early this morning  to move painting on before taking my mum to her many hospital appointments 

Sunny morning 

Another beautiful day at 5am this morning bees  were buzzing from plant to plant a red admiral butterfly landed on my arm and we both  sat very still with the sounds of the bees and the birds , a tranquil start to my day 

And now to work iv a dead line to keep with a painting 🌻🌼🌹🐝🐝🐝🌸🌷🌼🐜🐞

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